Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Going to Hawaii , Going to Hawaii !!

It's official !! Everything is booked ! We leave on May 7th to Honolulu Hawaii. We are staying out on the North Shore in Oahu at the Turtle Bay Resort . Be sure to check that link out.
We have NEVER had a vacation like this. It's kind of an early 20 year anniversary get away lol although we are only on year 19 of marriage hahahaha.... OH but wait we have been together 20! I was shocked Scott even agreed to take me, he didn't even hesitate with his answer.

Any of you have any ideas to offer on things to or places to see let us know. I have a list of things already. It's a lot for only 6 days ! Now to work on my bikini body hahahaha YEA RIGHT NOT !

Scott is currently away for a few months. Yes I'm tired of having endless conversations with the dogs. They never seen to answer me back. Eating alone most nights isn't much fun either. Good thing I have some good friends who invite me out or have me over at least once a week.

It's the time of year where friends start moving away. The thought of losing some is very sad. It's got to be the hardest part of being apart of military life. But one good thing once you find true friends they stick with you forever. There are a few here like that and that I've had to say bye to in the past. You gotta love the military life and hate it all at the same time.

Well ta ta 4 now !

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